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Dataset - Extent of the grounded Antarctic ice sheet in space and time

van der Meer, J.J.M & Hiemstra, J.F. (2017). Extent of the grounded Antarctic ice sheet in space and time. (v1)
Please use the citation above when using this dataset. Download as: BibTex or RIS


Limited exposure is a major drawback when using drillcores for reconstructing past glacial environments: direct observations of sediments are restricted to the width of the cores and only provide a scattered view of former 'depositional situations'. Still, in offshore settings like the Antarctic continental shelf, drillcores are often the most valuable sources of information available. It is therefore not surprising that in the studies of Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica and the Ross Sea conventional sedimentological techniques proved to be inconclusive concerning some aspects in the unravelling of the glacigenic record. The difference between basal tills and proximal glacimarine sediments, for example, was often far from clear. To force a breakthrough in this impasse, micromorphological data can be used to distinguish the two, and may subsequently be used to pinpoint the former positions of the Antarctic grounding line.

Temporal coverage


1 April 1996 to 1 April 1998

PlatformIn Situ Ocean-based Platforms > Ocean Platform/ocean Stations > Drilling Platforms
PlatformIn Situ Ocean-based Platforms > Ships

Originating center

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam



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Dataset progress


Data quality

For information on the method of micromorphology in its application to glacigenic sediments, the reader is referred to: Van der Meer, 1996. Micromorphology. Chapter 12 in: Menzies, J. (ed.), Glacial environments: vol.2; Past Glacial environments - sediments, forms and techniques. Butterworth and Heinemann, London, 335-355.

Access constraints

For information contact investigator: Prof. Jaap J.M. van der Meer

Use constraints

For information contact investigator: Prof. Jaap J.M. van der Meer


No projects linked to this dataset yet


Hiemstra, J.F., 1999. Microscopic evidence of grounded ice in the sediments of the CIROS-1 core, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Terra Antarctica 6 (4), 365-376

van der Meer, J.J.M & Hiemstra, J.F., 1998. Micromorphology of Miocene diamicts, indications of grounded ice. Terra Antartica 5 (3), 363-366


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Dif id: NL_ANTARCTICA_ICESHEET_EXTENT | UUID: 72664875-73b0-5d0d-b197-c225312dfc3c | Version:1 | Added on: 28 June 2000 13:40