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Dataset - Breeding Investment of Sanderlings Reneerkens Zackenberg Northeast Greenland

Reneerkens, Jeroen (2010). Breeding Investment of Sanderlings Reneerkens Zackenberg Northeast Greenland. (v1) The Netherlands.
Please use the citation above when using this dataset. Download as: BibTex or RIS


Data on reproduction of sanderlings Calidris alba in Northeast Greenland. This long-distance migratory bird species has a fascinating, but poorly understood, breeding system in which some adults incubate a clutch on their own while others incubate their clutches in pairs, alternating incubation bouts.
We collected data on nest location, timing of breeding, breeding success, pairbonds and breeding strategy. Birds are colour-ringed and often resighted in other geographical regions during the non-breeding periods.

Temporal coverage


1 February 2007 to 31 December 2010

PlatformIn Situ Land-based Platforms > Field Investigation (field Investigation)
InstrumentEarth Remote Sensing Instruments > Passive Remote Sensing > Positioning/navigation > Transponders

Originating center

Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen (ESRIG - RUG)



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Contact Jeroen Reneerkens J.W.H.Reneerkens-[AT] and Theunis Piersma Theunis.Piersma -[AT]-


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Dif id: Sanderling_Breeding_Investment_Reneerkens_IPY172_NL | UUID: 2e5df697-f120-5413-a286-6e1adb2bd738 | Version:1 | Added on: 6 January 2010 11:51